Conjunctivitis can indicate COVID infection. Beware!
Every minute detail of personal and social hygiene is important in the present situation when humans struggle to breathe safely amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Monsoon has struck major parts of the country, bringing relief from the scorching heat. At the same time, the onset of this season brings an increased incidence of conjunctivitis, a type of infection in your eyes. Monsoon season increases dampness and humidity. A lot of seasonal eye infections, especially from viruses, are seen in this period. Hence, prevention becomes vitally important. Avoid touching the eyes and stay away from friends or colleagues that have red eyes and watering. Avoid handshakes and using common stationery, and use separate towels, utensils, etc.
Also, be aware that in the current scenario, pink eyes or conjunctivitis can also indicate the dreaded COVID-19 infection. Does that sound unusual and strange to you? If yes, then know that eyes are just another convenient entry point for viruses including coronavirus. Up to 30 % of patients with coronavirus have red eyes or conjunctivitis. You must learn fool-proof ways to keep away eye infections in the rainy season.
Here are a few tips for eye care to avert seasonal infections that can also include Corona:
- Always wear eye protection, especially if you plan to visit a public place. Casual attitude towards eye protection can increase the risk of infection, especially during the monsoon season.
- Maintain eye hygiene. Avoid touching or rubbing the eyes. Remember to wash your hands with soap frequently and every time you want to touch your face, and importantly the eye region. Make it a ritual now.
- You must avoid visits to large gatherings and maintain social distancing. It can be the best way to save yourself from Corona as it can spread through infected eyes.
- Refrain from using contact lenses too frequently. Those who use spectacles must avoid wearing lenses for prolonged times and outdoors during the rainy season.
- Abstain from using laptops or screens for a long duration when you suffer from an eye infection. It will cause discomfort and increase watering and discharge which can be a source of spread of the disease.
- Include Vitamin C and zinc in your diet, that will enhance your immunity. Use lubricating drops for alleviating rough gritty sensation in your eyes. Do not use unscientific preparations such as Drishti or Ikul drops.
As soon as you observe any redness and discharge, immediately consult an eye specialist. It is needed to rule out infection and to start specific therapy.

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Pink City Eye & Retina Center
(Monday to Saturday)
- Morning09.00 AM – 07.00 PM
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