There are certain special lenses used for varying purposes. Colour cosmetic lenses are used for enhancement of look. Keratoconus is a condition of the eye wherein the curvature of cornea- the front portion of the eye is more curved/ stretched and thinned. Normal contact lens do not fit in because of the irregular shape of the cornea and they need special lenses. The different lenses used for this purpose include piggy-back contact lenses (PBCL), rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP), soft and soft toric lenses, hybrid lenses and scleral lenses. Bandage contact lenses are basically used for the purpose of healing any corneal wound. Prosthetic lenses are specially designed, and custom made for eye that have disfigured either by disease or injury and provide cosmetic improvement.

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Pink City Eye & Retina Center
(Monday to Saturday)
- Morning09.00 AM – 07.00 PM
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