Aphakia is a condition of the eye, wherein the normal lens of the eye is absent. This can result as a complication of cataract surgery or as a result of injury to the eye. This condition results in poor vision and may improve with thick glasses depending on the status of other eye parts. The condition when left untreated can result in serios complications such as, raised eye pressure, severe inflammation in the eye, development of retinal detachment at a later stage, shrinking of the eyeball etc.
Treatment involves placement of artificial lens in the lens bag if its intact or less damaged. If the bag is not adequate, then different types of lenses at other positions will be considered. This includes Iris claw lenses, scleral- fixated lenses, glued lenses and anterior chamber IOL.
The treatment also will need management of raised eye pressure, associated infection or inflammation and glass prescription.
In children, aphakia is done in a planned fashion as a first stage procedure in the management of cataract present in birth or that develops early during childhood. In such children, the lens placement is done at a later stage by another surgery.
In patients, whose vision does not improve due to other complications, management involves medications to keep the eye pressure under control, to prevent the eyeball from shrinking and to prevent development of inflammation at late stages.

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Pink City Eye & Retina Center
(Monday to Saturday)
- Morning09.00 AM – 07.00 PM
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