Cornea (transparent layer in front of black portion of the eye) and sclera (the white portion of the eye) being the most exposed parts of the eye are prone for trauma. The common causes are physical trauma, chemical injury as in exposure to acids and other chemicals, non- healing and/ or complicated bacterial or fungal infections, complication of improper use of contact lenses etc. There can be different grades of trauma involving varying thickness of these structures. Based on this severity, the condition requires surgical closure with the help of sutures.
Sometimes a type of contact lenses is used for healing purpose. In more severe cases surgery is the option. As with any wound healing, the condition leaves a scar. Depending upon the size and extent of the wound, the resultant vision may be sub- optimal. Most patients need spectacles for fine vision. Large tear of the cornea and/ or sclera is associated with other complications as it involves deeper structures and interferes with the integrity of the eyeball. In such cases visual improvement may be grossly subnormal and surgery is done to maintain the shape of the eyeball and to prevent shrinking or shortening of the eyeball.
The associated conditions like cataract formation, development of severe infection, Glaucoma (increase of pressure inside the eye), Retinal detachment, bleeding inside the eye, dislocation of lens, long standing inflammation need multiple procedures and extended follow-up.

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Pink City Eye & Retina Center
(Monday to Saturday)
- Morning09.00 AM – 07.00 PM
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